Teaching My main teaching responsibilities at present are: International Relations Theory (POL299), our second year core- course for IR BA students, and two research-led, third-year undergraduate modules: Politics at the End of the End of History (POL307) and Politics of Southeast Asia (POL381). I am also supervising BA, MA and PhD dissertations. Details of these courses can be found on the School of Politics and International Relations webpage. In the past I also taught courses at Oxford on Post-Cold War International Relations, IR in the Cold War, IR in the Era of Two World Wars, and the IR of Southeast Asia, among others. While at Oxford I was heavily involved in developing better support for graduate student teachers and produced a webpage of resources for their benefit, which is archived here. The links include guidance on course design, my old reading lists, cover sheets and feedback forms, and other items of potential interest. Following the completion of my teaching portfolio - ‘Mind the Gap: Using Formative Assessment to Narrow Perception Gaps in Tutorial Teaching’ - I was made a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2008. PhD Supervision I would be delighted to supervise doctoral theses in the following areas: - Chinese foreign and security policy - Southeast Asian domestic/ international politics - the politics of sovereignty and intervention - international economic sanctions - global or regional governance - non-traditional security - historical sociology, historical materialism, political economy and international relations - state-society relations and international politics - state theory Please note that I am not qualified to supervise theses in the area of South Asian politics. I am happy to discuss ideas with prospective students - please email me with a short (c.2,000 word) research proposal and your CV. However, for procedural information on how to apply for doctoral studies at Queen Mary, please see the School’s webpage. My previous PhD students: - Dr Boonwara Sumano: Explaining the Liberalisation of Professional Migration in ASEAN - passed Dec 2013 - Dr Tong Zhang: The Profession of Chinese Bureaucrats: A Biographical Case Study of Members in State Council Executive Meeting - visiting from Renmin University - passed Dec 2016 - Dr Lan Katarina Schippers: Aid for Trade as Contested State-Building Intervention: The Cases of Laos and Vietnam - passed Dec 2017
Lee Jones                                     Teaching